2020-09-28 09:28:54
来源: 北京中医药大学东直门医院(通州院区)
请求信息 : 2025-02-03 13:55:59 HTTP/1.1 GET : http://2022.bjdtzyy.com/portal/plate/view/id/86.html 运行时间 : 0.338140s [ 吞吐率:2.96req/s ] 内存消耗:5,848.09kb 文件加载:94 查询信息 : 30 queries 1 writes 缓存信息 : 5 reads,0 writes
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[ DB ] CONNECT:[ UseTime:0.006836s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=yshz2022_1;charset=utf8mb4 [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `te_hook` [ RunTime:0.004955s ] [ SQL ] SELECT `hook` FROM `te_hook` WHERE `type` = 1 OR ( `type` = 3 AND ( `app` = '' or `app` = 'cmf' ) ) [ RunTime:0.004722s ] [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
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'extra' => 'Using where',
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'rows' => 1,
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'extra' => 'Using where; Using filesort',
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'id' => 1,
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'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
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'rows' => 7,
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'extra' => NULL,
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'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
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'partitions' => NULL,
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'key' => NULL,
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'rows' => 38,
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'extra' => 'Using where',
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'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
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'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100,
'extra' => NULL,
) ] [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `te_plate_project_content` WHERE `id` < 86 AND `plate_project_id` = 20 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.004511s ] [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'te_plate_project_content',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'range',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 33,
'filtered' => 10,
'extra' => 'Using index condition; Using where',
) ] [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `te_plate_project_content` WHERE `id` > 86 AND `plate_project_id` = 20 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.004589s ] [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
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'type' => 'range',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 725,
'filtered' => 10,
'extra' => 'Using index condition; Using where',
) ] [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `te_plate` WHERE `id` = 6 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.004454s ] [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'te_plate',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
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'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100,
'extra' => NULL,
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'id' => 1,
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'partitions' => NULL,
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'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 20,
'filtered' => 10,
'extra' => 'Using where',
) ] [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `te_plate_project` WHERE `id` = 20 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.004413s ] [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'te_plate_project',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100,
'extra' => NULL,
) ] [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `te_plate_project_content` WHERE `plate_project_id` = 20 LIMIT 10 [ RunTime:0.005002s ] [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
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'table' => 'te_plate_project_content',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
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'rows' => 758,
'filtered' => 10,
'extra' => 'Using where',
) ] [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `te_plate_project_content` WHERE `plate_project_id` = 32 LIMIT 10 [ RunTime:0.009010s ] [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
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'partitions' => NULL,
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'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
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'rows' => 758,
'filtered' => 10,
'extra' => 'Using where',
) ] [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `te_plate_project_content` WHERE `plate_project_id` = 21 LIMIT 10 [ RunTime:0.007081s ] [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
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'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 758,
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'extra' => 'Using where',
) ] [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `te_plate_project_content` WHERE `plate_project_id` = 22 LIMIT 10 [ RunTime:0.005083s ] [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
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'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 758,
'filtered' => 10,
'extra' => 'Using where',
) ] [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `te_plate_project_content` WHERE `plate_project_id` = 23 LIMIT 10 [ RunTime:0.005100s ] [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
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'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 758,
'filtered' => 10,
'extra' => 'Using where',
) ] [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `te_plate_project_content` WHERE `plate_project_id` = 24 LIMIT 10 [ RunTime:0.005535s ] [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'te_plate_project_content',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 758,
'filtered' => 10,
'extra' => 'Using where',
) ] [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `te_plate_project_content` WHERE `plate_project_id` = 25 LIMIT 10 [ RunTime:0.013127s ] [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'te_plate_project_content',
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'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
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'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 758,
'filtered' => 10,
'extra' => 'Using where',
) ] [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `te_theme_file` [ RunTime:0.005039s ] [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `te_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'default' [ RunTime:0.004617s ] [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'te_theme_file',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100,
'extra' => 'Using where',
) ] [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `te_theme` [ RunTime:0.004785s ] [ SQL ] UPDATE `te_theme` SET `name` = 'default' , `version` = '1.0.0' , `demo_url` = 'http://demo.thinkcmf.com' , `author` = '云上展会' , `lang` = 'zh-cn' , `author_url` = 'http://www.thinkcmf.com' , `keywords` = '云上展会默认模板' , `description` = '云上展会默认模板' WHERE `theme` = 'default' [ RunTime:0.004584s ] [ SQL ] SELECT `more` FROM `te_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'default' AND ( `is_public` = 1 OR `file` = 'portal/plate/view' ) [ RunTime:0.004473s ] [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
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'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100,
'extra' => 'Using where',
) ] [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `te_option` [ RunTime:0.004906s ] [ SQL ] SELECT `option_value` FROM `te_option` WHERE `option_name` = 'storage' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.004482s ] [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => NULL,
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => NULL,
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => NULL,
'filtered' => NULL,
'extra' => 'no matching row in const table',
) ]